

Quantities are in regular brackets –> 0) Lead time are in square brackets –> [] End (1) [3] A (2) [11 B (3) [4] C (2) (1) D (4) [3] E (3) (2) F (4) (31 G (2) [2] H (3) (1) F (2) (3) G (3) 21 Item End A B ? On Hand 54 74 82 65 561 390 1346 2173 489 Lead Time ] Direct Components 3 A2, B3, C2 1 D4, E3 4 F4, G2 1 H3 2. D 2. UWLUI F 3 2 1 F2, G3 If the 300 “End” items are required in 24 weeks, what is the latest week work can begin to meet that dealine?

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