

Below are the project steps for the creation of a television advertisement for Energyblast, which is a new energy drink that the Professor has created to keep students awake. Consider the following data: Preceding Activity(ies) Activity Duration Description (days) A 6 Create script for advertisement B 4 Book technical crew C 4 Book actors D 3 Create props and costumes E 6 Book location F 5 Filming and editing A A B,C ? DE If you print this worksheet – Draw the critical Path below. If you are working from a computer on a seperate piece of paper, draw the critical path. Use the Instructor’s slides as a guide or Exhibit 18.4 and 18.7 in your OM6 textbook. a. 1. How many paths are there through the network 2 b. 3 4. d. 5 C. a. 2. How many critical paths are there? 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 a. 3. How many activities have slack? 0 b. 1 2 d. 3 c. a. 4. Which of the following activities have slack? A b. B E d. F c. a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 3 a. 6. What is the expected duration of this project? 19 b. 20 21 d. 22 c. a a. CA 7. Which of the following statements about a network’s critical path(s) is always true The critical path(s) is the path that passes through the most activities b. The critical path(s) is the path with longest total time duration The critical path() is the path that passes through the most slack activities d. The critical path(s) is the path that gets us through the network fastest. 8. In these network diagrams, slack is best described a measurement of what? The difference between an activity’s normal cost and its crash cost b. The difference between an activity’s early start and early finish times The difference between the duration of two precedent activities d. The difference between an activity’s early start and late start times a. c.


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