Why does the climate of Southern California feature a wet winter and dry summer?

Why does the climate of Southern California feature a wet winter and dry summer?.

Unit 2 chap 8:

Provide a definition of wind.

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What is the relationship between horizontal wind speed and the spacing of isobars on a surface weather map?


Describe how the Coriolis Effect varies with wind speed and latitude.


Provide an example of how gravity influences air motion.


Why is radiation fog more likely near the center of an anticyclone than near the center of a cyclone?


The pattern of horizontal winds blowing about the center of a high-pressure systems implies the existence of a centripetal force. Explain why.


Describe the relationship between high pressure system and air mass.


Upper-air support for a developing cyclone requires horizontal divergence. Explain Why.

Unit 2 chap 9:

What is the relationship between semi-permanent subtropical anticyclones and the location of the world’s subtropical deserts?


Describe the weather along the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ).


Why does the climate of Southern California feature a wet winter and dry summer?


Describe the seasonal shifts in the latitude of the polar front and the semi-permanent subtropical highs.


How does a jet streak provide upper-air support for the development of an extratropical cyclone?


Seasonal shifts on the location of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) are greater over the continents than over the ocean. Explain why.


How is a cut-off high pressure system in the atmosphere analogous to a whirlpool that develops in a swiftly flowing stream or river?


Why is ENSO referred to as a coupled phenomenon?

Why does the climate of Southern California feature a wet winter and dry summer?

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