Veronica Franco

Veronica Franco.

Select a specific topic from your instructor’s list of potential topics. If you have an alternate topic that you would like to propose, please get prior approval from the instructor. No papers/topics that have been previously written and submitted for another class will be accepted. Communicate with your instructor for approval of your topic/subject matter. Find a minimum of five scholarly sources on your topic. Develop a research paper, complete with thesis and standard essay format. Research should be integrated into the paper, and all sources must be documented in standard APA formats with both in text and Works Cited documentation. Your end of course project must have be submitted in standard APA format. Title page, attachments, appendices, reference, bibliography pages are not included in the page requirements. You must identify all resources used to write the paper in the proper APA format. All papers must have a minimum of 5 references. Three sources must be print or electronic books, research journals, periodicals or electronic database references. Two sources may be web based.

Veronica Franco

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