The “Seventh” state reform

The “Seventh” state reform.


Language: I am not a native speaker and it is my BA work, so please use the language according to this. Also I attached a WORD document in which you can see the first few pages and the language which was used in that — the document still contains content and formal mistakes so please only use datas and other information carefully from there! Resources: Use any academic source, but please definitely use as much as possible from the following authors: Deschouwer, Reuchamps, Mnookin, Mulle, Goossens, Peeters, Verbeke, Fitzmaurice and also the Hungarian professor Kovarine Ignath Eva. — few resources sent via email, please search for more from the mentioned authors. Content: There are 3 main parts and for all you can create subtitles. The 3 titles are: 1. The Fourth and Fifth state reform: when, why, what changes in social life, POLITICS, FINANCE (also between the regions and also regarding the health care, schooling etc.); 2. The Sixth state reform: there are tons of information about it, but also touching the topics like when, why, what changes in social life, POLITICS, FINANCE – writing about the topics: BHV area, social insurance, employment, plus obligations/commitments. 3. The “Seventh” state reform: this is just a theory but I would like some things to be included in this part: how the Belgian electoral system works (who are the voters, when are the elections, etc.), the previous election result and the dominant parties (Flemish and Walloons too) and the upcoming elections: most dominant parties (Flemish and Walloons too!), which parties have the biggest chance to win, what are the Wnstructions 4/5 programs of the most dominant parties, what are the opinion of these parties of a new state reform, can there be a seventh state reform – chances

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The “Seventh” state reform

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