The Illusion of Wisdom

The Illusion of Wisdom.

“A culture that does not grasp the vital interplay between morality and power, which mistakes management techniques for wisdom, which fails to understand that the measure of a civilization is its compassion, not its speed or ability to consume, condemns itself to death.” OR “It is not just the humanities that are in danger, but the professors themselves. Most universities no longer hire the best and most experienced teachers but the cheapest. Tenured and tenure-track teachers now make up only 35 percent of the pedagogical work force and the number is steadily falling.” Provide a current example that supports one of these statements. Write a paragraph (125-150 words) analyzing this example based on what your learned in the third chapter: “The Illusion of Wisdom”. * You will also reply to one of your classmate’s posts with your understanding of how his/her example supports one of the three statements above.(125 words) What a timely chapter to be discussing in light of the current events and scandals! In the “Illusion of Wisdom,” Chris notes how schools “focus instead, through the filter of standardized tests, enrichment activities, AP classes, high-priced tutors, swanky private schools, entrance exams,” rather than how much wisdom, critical thinking skills, or compassion a student may have. When I was researching the extent that many wealthy and celebrity families went to in order for their children to get into Harvard, Yale, UCLA, Stanford, etc., I saw how much wealth and privilege played into their lives. Like Hedges is saying, our society doesn’t recognize the effect that power and morality have on each other, and it leads to our blind trust of big corporations and beautiful celebrities. I think power actually takes away people’s morality, as not only do these wealthy parents, corrupt schools, and their entitled children lack integrity, but they are willing to shove deserving, and usually less resourced students out of the way to make more money and build up their image without considering anyone else besides them. The fact that no one was surprised to hear how corrupt the college admissions process can be also is a testament to Hedge’s warning that a complicit culture that allows this kind of atrocity “condemns itself to death.” The wealthy are manipulating college to become a commodity rather than a genuine sign of intelligence, and that our society is raising new generations to be focused on our outer image than actual skills or intellect.

The Illusion of Wisdom

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