The effects of democratic institution on governance, the case study of Liberia post civil war

The effects of democratic institution on governance, the case study of Liberia post civil war.

Situating your research question & formulating hypotheses & potential arguments 1 page, single-spaced memo; use 12 pt Times New Roman font. • State your research question using IV and DV. Be as specific as possible in your operationalization of your IV and DV. State your hypothesis in IV and DV format and potential argument. Identify two or more authors introduced in the course that might shed light on your research question. . Identify two or more authors introduced in the course that might shed light on your research question . Compare and contrast their perspectives. Briefly summarize their arguments. Given their perspectives, how would these authors think about your research question? How would you incorporate their perspectives into your research proposal? Adida, Claire et. al. 2016. “Who’s Asking? Interviewer Coethnicity Effects in African Survey Data,” Comparative Political Studies, 49:12, 1630-1660 Rawi Abdelal, Yoshiko M. Herrera, Alastair Iain Johnston, and Rose McDermott. 2006. “Identity as a Variable,” Perspectives on Politics, 4:4, 695-711. Adria Lawrence. 2010. “Triggering nationalist violence: Competition and conflict in uprisings against colonial rule,” International Security 35 (2), 88-122.

The effects of democratic institution on governance, the case study of Liberia post civil war

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