TBI (veterans)

TBI (veterans).


Literature Review TBI (veterans) Things to do 1. Introduction must 1 page 1. Describe TBI 2. Types of TBI 3. Veterans affected 4. Literature review utilize 5. 2. Independent variable must be neuro-behavioral sequelae of TBI must two pages with Biological environment and situational TBI and the biological cause and neuro-behavioral damage to this population and the aim to determine if a 8 week mindfulness course can reduce the score of neurobehavior symptoms otherwise known BTIS 3. The independent variable must consist therapeutic mindfulness a. Classes and compare results, did work or did not work? Why and why not? b. How many veterans were in the study? 4. Literature reviews must include: 1. Study Authors & Date 2. Purpose of Evaluation or Research 3. Sample Size & Description 4. Comparison Group Description 5. Evaluation/ Study Period 6. Variables of Study 7. Research Design and Description 8. Summary of Findings 9. Additional Information

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TBI (veterans)

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