

Consider this program. What will be the exact output when it is executed? // public interface Icalc { int ALPHA = 9; int calc(int n); } 1/ public class A implements Icalc { private int mx; public A(int px) { mx = px; } public int x( { return mx; } public int calc(int n) { return n + x0) + ALPHA; } public string tostringo { return *” + calc(); } } 1/ public class B implements Icalc { private int meta; public B(int pBeta) { mBeta = poeta; } public int beta() { return mBeta; } public int calc(int n) { return n = -beta() – ALPHA; } public String tostring() { return ” + calc(beta(); } } 1/ public class C extends B { public co { super(1); } public c(int x) { super(x); } public c(A a) { super(a.calc(1)); } public c(Bb) { this(); } } 1/ public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { A al = new A(1); System.out.print(a1.tostring(); B b1 = new B(2); System.out.print(bi.tostring(); C C1 = new CO; System.out.print(c1.tostring(); B b2 = new C(3); System.out.print(b2.tostring(); C C2 = new C(4); System.out.print(c2.tostring(); C 3 = new C(al); System.out.print(3.tostring(); C 04 = new Cb1); System.out.print(c4.tostring(); C C5 = new C(c1); System.out.print(c5.tostring(); }


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