

The voltage across a 100 nF capacitor in the circuit of Fig. 8.16 is described as follows: After the switch has been closed for several seconds, the voltage is constant at 100 V. The first time the voltage exceeds 100 V, it reaches a peak of 163.84 V. This occurs p>7 ms after the switch has been closed. The second time the voltage exceeds 100 V, it reaches a peak of 126.02 V. This second peak occurs 3p>7 after the switch has been closed. At the time when the switch is closed, there is no energy stored in either the capacitor or the inductor. Find the numerical values of R and L. (Hint: Work Problem 8.57 first.)

Problem 8.57

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Assume that the capacitor voltage in the circuit of Fig. 8.16 is underdamped. Also assume that no energy is stored in the circuit elements when the switch is closed.

The voltage across a 100 nF capacitor in the circuit of Fig. 8.16 is described as follows: After the...-1

The voltage across a 100 nF capacitor in the circuit of Fig. 8.16 is described as follows: After the...-2


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