Policing and crime prevention.

Policing and crime prevention..

Based on your reflection paper after reviewing websites, brochures, or academic papers about policing and crime prevention. The possibility is numerous and I am open to your ideas. I will give you some guidelines on writing your reflection paper. Requirement: to review current policing and crime prevention materials on websites and published materials or programmed activities to write their reflection paper. Guideline for programme or material review: Some of you may not be able to attend a visit or find anyone to interview. You may discuss crime in general or better select a particular crime (e.g. burglary) in a place (Hong Kong!!) after reviewing public materials that serve to prevent crime there.

You should be able to find these materials easily on TV, the internet, posters on public places, gifts, and brochures. Sometimes, crime prevention messages are delivered through events, campaigns or structured programmes (e.g. Junior Police Call) which you can review too. You should critically examine these materials / programmes and reflect how effective they are in preventing crime. You should examine what may be missing or misleading in the materials. You should try to reflect why people still commit such crime or fall prey to such crime despite the availability of these materials or messages. 1. Student name and number 2. A concise title indicating the focus of your paper 3. Introduction: why you are interested in the visit / interview / review 4. Preparation or Methodology: how you prepared for the visit / interview / review 5. Procedure: what you have actually done during and after visit / interview / review; try to show it has actually happened with dates and time, etc. 6. Personal reflection about policing and crime prevention: i. Try to organize your reflection into discrete points (e.g. 5 to 10 points). Give a sub-heading to each point, e.g. “Police officers cannot …”; “Victim did not …”, “The website / programme has no …” ii. For each point, give or quote actual example(s) to illustrate the issue. iii. For each point, try to state your personal opinion based on classroom learning or literature knowledge. You can also try to argue based on other evidence. Try to discuss effectiveness in crime prevention.

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Policing and crime prevention.

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