patient satisfaction and how nurse workloads and acuity affect these scores

patient satisfaction and how nurse workloads and acuity affect these scores.

select 3 peer reviewed articles that address your chosen focus area for your Capstone Project and create 3-5 goals/objectives for your Capstone Project using the SMART Goals/Objective format( patient satisfaction and how nurse workloads and acuity affect these scores) SMART goal is a short statement that a person makes to lead them in the direction of what they want to accomplish. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. Creates 3-5 goals/objectives using SMART format including Bloom Taxonomy terms (will enclose information on bloom taxonomy Correctly cites 3 peer reviewed articles for chosen focus area of Capstone project Articles and lists the APA references correctly – no errors Create a minimum of 3 and maximum of 5 objectives based upon Bloom’s Taxonomy (See an overview at or for more in-depth study of Bloom’s view and you can always “google” Bloom Taxonomy for more information-may need to cut and paste these websites into your URL line to access). These objectives reflect the changes you want to see in the behavior of the participants/audience as a result of acquiring the information that you present. Remember: Objectives must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed (S.M.A.R.T.) and each must include a Bloom term. At a minimum, at least one objective should be “immediate” and one “long term.” Use the table below to record the Objectives and Content for your Capstone Project: patient satisfaction and how nurse workloads and acuity affect these scores

patient satisfaction and how nurse workloads and acuity affect these scores

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