Music from Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire

Music from Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire.

Concluding Essays

Please format and submit this assignment according to the instructions in the Syllabus. Remember to format your assignment as an .RTF file. The music from Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire may sound chaotic and perhaps even random to you. Using the fundamentals of music (i.e., SHMRF), write a brief one-page essay about the ways in which Schoenberg has actually created a unified, organized piece of music. This will require you to take up at least one of the songs and listen to it repeatedly from different viewpoints (again: sound, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form). Write a brief one-page essay comparing and contrasting the music of Ives and Copland. Be sure to include as many musical details as you can, and refer directly to the compositions assigned for this course. In a two-page essay, choose three or four of your favorite pieces (among those that you’ve studied for this course) and describe why you like them. Then, choose three or four pieces that you disliked and describe why you feel that way. As you formulate your essay, please remember this: I care only that you respond honestly; it’s not important—or even desirable—that you like the same music I do. Essay one and two should be about one page, and essay three is a two page essay so altogether the assignment should include four pages. Submit your assignment according to the directions. Please remember to submit it in .RTF format.

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Music from Schoenberg’s Pierrot lunaire

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