MGT426 Questions

MGT426 Questions. Chapter 2



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  1. Discuss some of the ways that organizations and jobs have changed over the past ten years. What changes do you anticipate over the next ten years? How might these changes affect the manager’s job and the skills that a manager needs to be successful as change occurs within the organization?


  2. How do you feel about having management responsibilities in today’s world, characterized by uncertainty, ambiguity, and sudden changes or threats from the environment? Describe some skills and competencies that you think are important to managers working in these conditions and how it relates to change.


  3. Please read and provide opinion on “Different types of planned change”.


  4. Please read and provide opinion on “Comparisons of change model”.


Chapter 3




  1. Please read and provide opinion on “Competencies of an effective organization development practitioner”.


  2. Please read and provide opinion on “The differences between external and internal consulting”.

Chapter 18




  1. Please read and provide opinion on “Describing the characteristics of transformational change”.


  2. Please read and provide opinion on “Discuss the process and key success factors associated with culture change”.

    Please read the attachments and provide 75-100 word opinions/comments to the following questions.


    Chapter 2

    1. Discuss some of the ways that organizations and jobs have changed over the past ten years. What changes do you anticipate over the next ten years? How might these changes affect the manager’s job and the skills that a manager needs to be successful as change occurs within the organization?


    2. How do you feel about having management responsibilities in today’s world, characterized by uncertainty, ambiguity, and sudden changes or threats from the environment? Describe some skills and competencies that you think are important to managers working in these conditions and how it relates to change.


    3. Please read and provide opinion on “Different types of planned change”.


    4. Please read and provide opinion on “Comparisons of change model”.


    Chapter 3


    5. Please read and provide opinion on “Competencies of an effective organization development practitioner”.


    6. Please read and provide opinion on “The differences between external and internal consulting”.

    Chapter 18


    7. Please read and provide opinion on “Describing the characteristics of transformational change”.


    8. Please read and provide opinion on “Discuss the process and key success factors associated with culture change”.

MGT426 Questions

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