Manufacturing Aging: Media Images of the Elderly

Manufacturing Aging: Media Images of the Elderly.

 Ageism involves both negative attitudes and behaviour toward groups of people based on chronological age (Funk, 2016). Attitudes and beliefs about older persons are reinforced by stereotypes which are commonly reflected in the media. For example, images of the elderly and aging often depict older persons as forgetful, resistant to change, bad drivers, and unhappy. Negative attitudes toward older persons can be detrimental as they can lead to negative behaviour or discrimination. In this assessment you will explore how images in the media portray aging and aging individuals and explain reasons why it persists in Canadian society. Learning Objectives: · Identify stereotypes of older people in the media. · Describe the relationship between stereotypes and ageism. · Analyze examples of ageism by drawing on current academic research. · Apply a theoretical perspective to explain why ageism persists in Canadian society. Instructions: Find 1 image portraying the elderly and aging in the media (e.g., television, magazines, movies, internet). Include the image and/or link in your document. Then answer the following questions: 1. Describe the image in terms of its content and how the elderly or aging is presented. Is the elderly or aging shown in a stereotypical manner? If so, identify the stereotype. How is this image a form of ageism? 2. Search for 1 academic peer reviewed article that addresses how older people are represented in the media (2010 to present). Summarize the key points from the article on how older people are portrayed. Does your image concur with the academic research? Explain why or why not. 3. Reflecting on the image you chose in Question 1, use one of the theoretical perspectives explaining ageism outlined in Chapter 2 of the textbook (p. 40-45) to discuss why ageism persists. Based on the theoretical analysis, how could ageism be reduced? To help you with this assessment read the following resources: Guidelines: § Aim for approximately 100-200 words for each question. § Include and define all relevant sociological concepts and sociological theory from the textbook and course material in your discussions. § APA formatting, citing, and referencing guidelines must be followed. § Assessments missing a reference list or in-text citations will not be graded. § Create a MS Word Document (.doc or .docx)

Manufacturing Aging: Media Images of the Elderly

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