Lactase non-persistence and Bifidobacertium

Lactase non-persistence and Bifidobacertium.

 SLWA Topic: Lactase non-persistence and BifidobacertiumYou need to talk about……. How does lactase non-persistence contribute to Bifidobacterium abundance? You could also include…..What genes are involved and how do they regulate this? and/orWhat are the downstream effects of this change in Bifidobacterium abundance? – health effects? (must be at the molecular level!) – does this have an impact on the abundance of other organisms? You can not receive ANY marks for this component if you are not writing about the relationship between Lactase non-persistence and Bifidobacterium. Note: This is a descriptive paper. You are not trying to formulate an argument or prove a point but simply describe a complex process in your own words using the scientific literature.

Lactase non-persistence and Bifidobacertium

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