Kodály Approach to Music Education.

Kodály Approach to Music Education..


Write your research paper using 5–10 scholarly sources on the topic of Kodály Approach to Music Education. Remember to include a title page with running head, citations, and a reference page at the end of the paper. The final document must be approximately 2,000–3,000 word range. You will begin by summarizing and evaluating relevant sources of information related to your topic. As you begin your research, sub-topics will begin to emerge. Consider these as support materials for your overall research focus, and then group information together in a logical flow that helps further define your topic. Begin with an introduction that briefly discusses the scope of your research topic and any sections that might arise from your source materials that impact how you organize the body of your paper. Start by creating a draft of all your sources, listing them alphabetically, and then continue developing the narrative for your area of investigation, describing how it informs your understanding of music education. Format the paper using Turabian style. 

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