Knowing Your Health Care Functions, Structures, And Facilities Worksheet.

Knowing Your Health Care Functions, Structures, And Facilities Worksheet..

Assignment Content

  1. In the health care industry, a variety of structures, facilities, and services serve different functions. You must understand what these are and why each is important.

    Complete the Knowing Your Health Care Functions, Structures, and Facilities worksheet.

    Cite any references to support your assignment.

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    Wk 3 – Knowing Your Health Care Facility

    HCS/120 v8

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    Knowing Your Health Care Structures, Functions and Facilities Part 1 – Health Care Structure

    Complete the table below.

    · Describe 5 health care structures. Include structures from the Federal, State, and Local level.

    · Explain the function of each structure.


    Health Care Structure Describe the health care structure. Explain the function of each health care structure.
    Private Structure    
    For-Profit Structure    
    Voluntary Structure    


    Part 2 – Health Care Facilities and Services

    Complete the table below.

    · Describe 5 health care facilities.

    · Explain the function of each facility.

    · Describe services offered at the facilities.


    Facility Describe the facility. Explain the function of each facility. Describe the services offered at this facility.
    1. Hospital      
    2. Ambulatory care      
    3. Rehabilitation      
    4. Retail health clinic      
    5. Long-term care      



    Part 3 – Lifespan Health care Needs

    Explain how an individual may need different structures, facilities, or services in their lifetime.

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    Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Knowing Your Health Care Functions, Structures, And Facilities Worksheet.

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