Journalists should stand up to fake news. Discuss the ethical reasons why they should do this and what effect fake news has on ethical reporting

Journalists should stand up to fake news. Discuss the ethical reasons why they should do this and what effect fake news has on ethical reporting.

Write a 2300-word academic essay. The essay should be original and argumentative. This essay is a scholarly analysis of the key arguments that are relevant to the topic. Therefore, you are expected to apply ethical theories, principles and concepts when answering the question. You should also consult appropriate journal articles, book chapters and reference books. These should be cited within the text and properly referenced in a bibliography at the end. Do not use footnotes. Also, do not rely predominantly on blogs, news forums, chat groups or other nonacademic digital sources. Finally, remember that you are writing an ethics essay, not a law essay so please avoid focusing too much on legislation and the legal perspective.

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1. Klein, David and Wueller, Joshua, Fake News: A Legal Perspective (March 8, 2017). Journal of Internet Law (Apr. 2017). Available at SSRN: 2. Edson C. Tandoc Jr., Zheng Wei Lim & Richard Ling, (2018) Defining “Fake News”: A typology of scholarly definitions, Digital Journalism, Vol 6 3. Chapter 8 of Frost, Chris, Journalism Ethics and Regulation 3rd edition (Pearson Longman, 2011).

4. Chapter 16 of Foreman, Gene, The Ethical Journalist, (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) 5. Chapter 3 of Boeyink, David E. and Borden, Sandra L. Making Hard Choices in Journalism Ethics, (Routledge, 2010) 6. Chapter 4 and 5 of Sanders, Karen, Ethics and Journalism (Sage, 2003) Chapter 5, 6 and 10 of Smith, Ron F. Ethics in Journalism 6 th edition (Blackwell, 2008)

Journalists should stand up to fake news. Discuss the ethical reasons why they should do this and what effect fake news has on ethical reporting

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