How the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed

How the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed.

This will list and describe a minimum of 10 primary and secondary sources, with specific requirements detailed below, that you may use in your paper.

The annotated bibliography should involve a variety of primary and secondary sources, including at least two primary sources and articles from at least two academic journals; it should not include encyclopedias (including Wikipedia), dictionaries, or non-professional websites. Each annotation should include a full, properly formatted Chicago style citation, 1-2 paragraphs detailing the basic argument of the work, the type of evidence used to prove the thesis, and an explanation of the value of the information to your paper. Submit a finished paper that includes a title page, endnotes pages (if used) and bibliography (without annotations).

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This paper will be 7-8 double-spaced pages (excluding the title page, endnotes pages, and the bibliography), with one-inch margins, times new roman font size 12, and either footnotes or endnotes (Chicago Style). Do not use parenthetical notes.

How the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed

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