How did the Gilded Age change lives for Americans?

How did the Gilded Age change lives for Americans?.

Question #4 How did the Gilded Age change lives for Americans? Who were some of the Industrialists who changed American Big Business and how did they change it? How did these changes impact the East (urban cities)? Question #5 Discuss your understanding of the American involvement in World War I. What were the origins of this conflict and what lead to the American involvement? What was the initial policy of the U.S. before the War? What changed this policy? Question #6 After reading lessons 20-21 and watching the films, discuss the role of the following during the War and the impact each group had on the war. Select at least two nations listed below and your understanding of their role during World War I. What impact or involvement did these nations have on the war? • Germany • United States • France • Great Britain • Mexico • Austria-Hungary • Russia • Belgium • Italy • Romania • Serbia • Japan • Ottoman Empire • Bulgaria • Greece

How did the Gilded Age change lives for Americans?

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