Gendered Social Learning

Gendered Social Learning.

Your second thought paper will be on the power of “normalcy”. How do we learn what is normal? More specifically, how do our gendered experiences shape and mold our understanding of acceptable (“normal”) thoughts, feelings, behaviors and self-evaluations? This week we will watch and discuss a few videos regarding gender socialization. Killing Us Softly by Jean Kilbourne critically analyzes mass media advertising images and how they create an unattainable social beauty standard, while Tough Guise by Jackson Katz describes how cultural messages about manhood/masculinity impact boys and men, particularly regarding aggression and violence. Both serve as examples of how “normalcy” is established and upheld, which should be the focus of your paper: how do gendered experiences teach us about what is considered normal? Reflect on these videos and class discussions with personal experience and academic research:

1. Why is “normalcy” a powerful agent of gendered social learning? Analyze how the media (movies, music, news outlets, etc) creates values and serves as the main agents of “normalcy.”

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2. How does society create gendered expectations? Reflect on “traditional gender roles” and how society has changed (or stayed the same); how has this affected you?

3. How has beauty evolved and how does it affect you? Why does beauty evolve and who benefits from these changes? 4. What is your story? Reflect on the stress (or lack-thereof) you experience related to your gender. 5. How are gender and violence and aggression related? Your paper should be a mix of personal reflection and academic writing. I want to know that you understand the terminology and are critically examining the ideas presented in the chapter and the material presented in class, but I also want to know how you personally feel about it. Reflect on the material presented by Katz, Kilbourne, McKelley, Ngozi and others throughout the paper. A-papers will directly discuss the ideas presented by various speakers/authors in conjunction with personal values and experiences. Be sure to use terms we’ve covered from chapter 6 in your reflection of the above questions. Please put key terms in bold Integrate recent academic research into your paper. To search for peer-reviewed academic journal articles, use the online library database: SCC: (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. From here, you can choose to use any of the databases to search for your article, but I recommend Psychology and Behavioral Science Collection. Remember to verify that the article you’ve chosen has a clearly identifiable DOI # because this is the best way to ensure you’ve found a proper peer review journal article. I’ve uploaded a short step-by-step instruction guide that shows you screen shots of how to use Google Scholar (if you prefer this method) to search for your topic, locate an article, and find a citation to the article.

Gendered Social Learning

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