Gender and sexuality: Which factors converge to promote and enable sexual violence, especially violence that specifically targets women?

Gender and sexuality: Which factors converge to promote and enable sexual violence, especially violence that specifically targets women?.

On January 1, 2018, over 300 women in the entertainment industry introduced an initiative to eradicate sexual harassment in the workplace ( A direct response to the “housecleaning” Hollywood is experiencing following the #MeToo campaign,Time’s Up recognizes the commonality of women’s experiences of sexual harassment in the workplace—from actresses to academics, farmworkers to waitresses. Using their positions of privilege as higher-income workers with highly visible public platforms, members of this initiative seek to establish a legal fund to help women, especially those of lower income and marginalized identities, fight sexual harassment in the workplace. Use 2 of the following readings (Williams-Crenshaw, Baker, Marcus and/or MacKinnon) as well as the Times Up website to evaluate the Time’s Up initiative. The purpose of this essay is for you to apply theoretical perspectives to make sense of a contemporary political movement from interdisciplinary, global, and intersectional perspectives. Your analysis should consider the following:

1.Which factors converge to promote and enable sexual violence, especially violence that specifically targets women? Be sure to address intersectionality in your analysis.

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2.How effective is social media as a means of activism in the pursuit of social justice? (You may also consider #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, etc in your response to this question)

3.What are the limits and potentials of the Time’s Up movement, especially with respect to the following elements of the movement’s strategy:

ď‚·Focus on women as victims, with no mention of men as perpetrators or victims

Vocabulary/ paradigm of “Time’s Up”

ď‚·Leadership of this initiative by women in the entertainment industry, and the unique visual and labor dynamics of creative labor in Hollywood that may exacerbate the problem for women in the entertainment industry

Your paper should be 2-3 pages, one-sided, double-spaced. Please use footnotes as well as a bibliography at the end of your paper to reference all citations. Your introductory paragraph should use the 1st person, and use personal experience or reflection to segue into the rest of your paper, which will use a formal academic tone.

Gender and sexuality: Which factors converge to promote and enable sexual violence, especially violence that specifically targets women?

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