Frog Dissection Lab
Frog Dissection Lab. Frog Dissection Lab
If you have access to a frog specimen and dissection equipment you will be able to do the actual dissection but it is not necessary for this assignment. This assignment is to do some research to find Procedures (steps of instructions) to complete a frog dissection. This would be the step that would be necessary for many experiments.
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If you can perform the dissection you will insert pictures (or drawings) of what you see during the procedures. If you do not have a specimen then you will find pictures (or make drawings) of what would have been seen during the procedures. [footnoteRef:1] [1: When you use a scan or a picture, be sure to make it low resolution (about 100 dpi) or use the Word command to Reduce or Compress Pictures (select Picture Quality such as Email (100 dpi).]
Procedure Sources
Properly cite any sources (at least two) that you used for your research:
External Anatomy
List procedures for examining the frog’s external features and their functions. Include drawings or pictures for at least two procedures:
Internal Anatomy
List procedures for examining the frog’s internal features and functions. Include drawings or pictures for at least three views seen during the procedures:
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