Ethical Dilemma Case Study

Ethical Dilemma Case Study.

Ethical Dilemma Case Study Robbie is a 14-year old boy is hospitalized for relapse of leukemia after a failed bone marrow transplant. The family has been told his condition is terminal, there is nothing more to be done except keep him comfortable. His mother is distant, uncommunicative and rarely visits. When she does, she doesn’t touch Robbie or speak to him. She sits in a recliner by the window reading novels and requesting sodas multiple times per visit. The healthcare team calls a family meeting but the mother is conspicuously absent. Robbie’s father is frantic, demanding further treatments, regardless of low likelihood of efficacy. During the family meeting, he directs the team NOT to tell Robbie he might die, as he would lose hope. He states: “In our culture, we keep this news from patients to avoid upsetting them.” You are often assigned as Robbie’s nurse. One afternoon when his parents are not around, he asks you, “Am I dying?” In your paper of 750 to 1250 words, fully address each of the following: 1) Describe three different ways you could respond to the child. 2) Discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of the three options. 3) Identify and discuss in detail at least three provisions of the Code of Ethics for Nurses you Will rely upon, including how nurses are guided in the virtue of truth-telling. 4) What cultural and other considerations will play a role in your response? And why? In addition to utilizing at least three of the assigned learning activities above, conduct a literature search for at least three peer-reviewed articles through OVID, CINAHL or another database available at If you have any questions about how to conduct a literature search, please contact a TTUHSC Librarian at is a formal paper. A title page, in-text citations, topic headings and a reference list in APA format are required. Please review the Sample Papers in your APA Manual or the Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) as well as the resources available under Scholarly Writing. See the grading rubric on the following page.

Ethical Dilemma Case Study

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