Essay on Hiroshima

Essay on Hiroshima.

The assignment is an essay expressing your insights on John Hersey’sbook,Hiroshima. The objectives is to bring forth questions, emotions, and feelings raised in this literature. It is NOT a re-account of the stories as told by Hersey. You are to choose one character/survivor from Hiroshima and describe how this event affected his/her life. Your paper should demonstrate evidence of course material learning. Be sure that you substantiate your insights with relevant course concepts and themes. Use the following prompts to organize the paper: 1)Introduction 2)Synopsis about your character and his/ her circumstances in relation to Hiroshima 3)Content Paragraphs: a.What kinds of conflict did he/she face? (i.e. interpersonal, intra-personal; intergroup) b.How did he/she respond to the bombing and its aftermath? c.How would you have responded in such a situation? d.What types of emotion did your character reveal; in what way were others’ emotions significant in relation to your character? e.Identify and examine lenses: i.e. cultural issues, diversity.Explain the type of conflict styles the character displayed.g.What do you feel society can learn from the Hiroshima bombing? 4)Conclusion (Concluding thoughts in relation to your introduction and character statement) This assignment should be roughly 1200 (+/-200)words plus a bibliography page.

Essay on Hiroshima

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