Environment Ethics

Environment Ethics.

 Describe the issue in “lay-person” terms and provide definitions for any technical terminology being used. This should be written as if it were to be published in a venue being read by practitioners in the field but also the interested public. Define the issue in terms of its significance to the field (for example, has it always been an issue or is it of greater significance now and why? Is it an issue in the U.S. or developed countries, or western society, or is it universal?) Are there potential ramifications if the issue is not addressed or is left unresolved? What are they? Describe various factual and normative arguments surrounding the issue from differing “sides”. Apply at least 3 ethical theories. This means thoroughly defining each theory with at least 2 separate, credible sources and then step by step explaining how the issue applies or rejects the ethical theory. Identify the prominent representatives of each of the perspectives involved, i.e. who is voicing the argument? What do they represent? What do they base their views upon? What is your position? Support your views with appropriate arguments from those presented. THE MAIN POINT OF THE PAPER IS TO APPLY ETHICAL THEORIES (at least 3) Minimum 6 philosophical sources on Ethical Theory NOT the “topic” Only use the Shafer-Landau textbook and online library database Shafer-Landau, R. (2012). The Fundamentals of Ethics (2nd ed.) New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.

Environment Ethics

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