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Every organisation whether small or large should operate with a defined organisational structure to result in an efficient and effective work process flow. Your project team members are dispersed geographically in different locations. Your ultimate project outcome is to provide innovative service instantaneously in response to customer demands. Save your time - order a paper!Get your paper written from scratch within the tight deadline. Our service is a reliable solution to all your troubles. Place an order on any task and we will take care of it. You won’t have to worry about the quality and deadlines Order Paper NowBased on the above statement, choose the most suitable type of organisational structure for your project. Discuss the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the chosen type of structure. |
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Setiap organisasi sama ada kecil atau besar harus beroperasi dengan struktur organisasi yang ditetapkan untuk menghasilkan aliran proses kerja yang cekap dan berkesan. Ahli pasukan projek anda tersebar secara geografi di lokasi yang berbeza. Hasil utama projek anda adalah menyediakan perkhidmatan inovatif serta merta sebagai respon terhadap permintaan pelanggan. Berdasarkan kenyataan di atas, pilih jenis struktur organisasi yang paling sesuai untuk projek anda. Bincangkan ciri-ciri, kelebihan dan kekurangan jenis struktur yang dipilih. |
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