Sofia has been an employee of an electrical company for the past nine years. She was very outgoing, beautiful, cheerful and bubbly in her casual smart daily attire.During her tenure there, she had portrayed a positive image which every employer dreamed of.Due to that, she was promoted to a managerial position in the company.
However, after 3 months in the new position, Sofia found it hard to cope with the tasks and responsibilities of a manager. Previously,she only took orders and made small decisions,but now, she was responsible for major decisions which affected the department, she was managing. Due to her lankness in completing her tasks, she worked increasingly long hours.Eventually, she hardly invited to any social events organized outside office hours and this made her unhappy.
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Order Paper NowThen, Sofia started to feel bad about herself image. She felt that her 150 cm height and56kg weight had to change. Despite her tight schedule, she registered herself for somezumba classes which she failed to attend due to her bad management time.
Answer the question given and prepare your answer in paragraph.
1.What is your advice to Sofia to improve herself-esteem?2.What can an organization do to assist employees as Sofia?3.What other areas do you think Sofia should improve on in order to be an asset to the oragnization?
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