

United Way is a nonprofit organization working with nearly 1,300 local chapters that raise resources and mobilize care units for communities in need. According to their web site, United Way’s annual revenue recently topped $4 billion for the first time, continuing its status as the nation’s largest charity. A substantial portion of those funds was raised through annual campaigns and corporate sponsorships. Alaina has been asked to coordinate her company’s United Way fund drive. Because she has seen some of the projects United Way has supported in her own community, Alaina is excited to help her company try to reach its goal of raising $100,000 this year. Alaina will be distributing pledge cards to each of the company’s employees to request donations. There are 150 people working on the first shift, 75 people working on the second shift, and a crew of 25 people working on the third shift. 1. If each person were to make a one-time donation, how much would each person need to donate for the company to reach its goal of raising $100,000? 2. Alaina feels that very few people can contribute this amount in one lump sum, so she is offering to divide this amount over 10 months. If the employees agree to this arrangement, how much will be deducted from each person’s monthly paycheck? 3. Two weeks have passed and Alaina has collected the pledge cards from each of the employees with the following results: • First Shift: 100 employees agreed to have $40 a month deducted for 10 months; 25 employees agreed to make a one-time contribution of $100; 15 employees agreed to make a one-time contribution of $50. The remaining employees agreed to have $20 withheld for the next 10 months. • Second Shift: 25 people agreed to a one-time contribution of $150; 25 people agreed to have $40 a month deducted for 10 months; and the remaining employees agreed to a one-time contribution that averaged about $35 each. • Third Shift: All 25 people agreed to double the $40 contribution and have it deducted over the next 10 months. How much was pledged or contributed on each shift? 4. Has Alaina met the company’s goal of raising $100,000 for the year? By how much is she over or short? 5. If Alaina’s company were to match the employee’s contributions with $2 for every $1 the employees contributed, how much would the company contribute? What would be the total contribution to the United Way?


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