

The Superlicious Crackers Manufacturing Company produces a line of crackers catering to the sophisticated tastes of the moneyed classes. One cracker in particular, the Exquisite, is designed to pair well with high end red wines, exclusive quality cheeses and caviar. As they emerge from the oven, the crackers are subjected to a non- touch visual inspection before a small sample is extracted for further testing. The visual inspection evaluates the following Critical-to-Quality (CTO) characteristics, as follows: smoothness of contours, visually identifiable discoloration, variation in thickness, existence of breakage, and variation in diameter. Over the last week, the company produced 1.800,000 of Exquisite. Inspection records show that 210 defects were recorded for the week.

Given these data, the sigma metric of the manufacturing process and its performance compared to the Six Sigma benchmark with a 1.5 sigma allowance for process drift/shift are:
• 6.82 DPMO: 2.7 Times worse than Six Sigma Benchmark
• 19.09 DPMO:: 5.6 Times worse than Six Sigma benchmark DELL
• 6.82 DPBO: 2.9 Times worse than Six Sigma benchmark
• 23.33::OPMO; 6.9 Times worse than Six Sigma benchmark

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