

I need help with answering the following from reading below in about half a page.


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1. Try to define the ethical problem that exists.

2. Then apply ideas, principles, and methods to solve it. (Listed below are some examples)

The Categorical Imperative Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.

The Conventionalist Ethic Business is like a game with permissive ethics and any action that does not violate the law is permitted.

The Disclosure Rule Test an ethical decision by asking how you would feel explaining it to a wider audience such as newspaper readers, television viewers, or your family.

The Doctrine of the Mean Virtue is achieved through moderation. Avoid behavior that is excessive or deficient of a virtue.

The Ends-Means Ethic The end justifies the means.

The Golden Rule Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.

The Intuition Ethic What is good or right is understood by an inner moral sense based on character development and felt as intuition.

Might-Equals-Right Ethic Justice is the interest of the stronger.

The Organization Ethic Be loyal to the organization.

The Principle of Equal Freedom A person has the right to freedom of action unless such action deprives another person of a proper freedom.

The Proportionality Ethic A set of rules for making decisions having both good and evil consequences.

The Rights Ethic Each person has protections and entitlements that others have a duty to respect.

The Theory of Justice Each person should act fairly toward others in order to maintain the bonds of community.

The Utilitarian Ethic The greatest good for the greatest number


You are asked by a potential employer to take a psychological profile test. A sample segment includes the items shown in Exhibit 1. Because you have read that it is best to fit into a “normal” range and pattern of behavior, and because it is your hunch that the personnel office will weed out unusual personalities, you try to guess which answers are most appropriate for a conservative or average response and write them in. Is this ethical?


It is difficult to sleep at night.

I worry about sexual matters.

Sometimes my hands feel disjointed from my body.

I sometimes smell strange odors.

I enjoyed dancing classes in junior high school.

Not all of my friends really like me.

Work is often a source of stress.


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