Assume that you are interested in finding out the relationship between the price of a house and its distance to the Motorway. Let H be the price of the house measured in Million $ and the variable Distance measure the distance to the motorway. You estimate the following relationship:
ˆln(H) = 3.5 + 0.062 × Distanceln?
(1.4) (0.033)
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Order Paper NowThe estimated coefficient on Distanceis 0.062. Explain what this value means.
One of your friends claim that the coefficient on distance is only -0.03. Carry out a test to see if your data provides evidence that support your friends claim or not. State the null and alternative hypotheses.
After preforming the analysis, you learn that house prices above 5 million $ is not included in the dataset. Will this be problematic for your analysis? Explain
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