

Buying Motives and Sales Dialogue

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The CEO of the company is Kevin Baker the company selling the system is Thryv they are selling the CEO a system for organization and scheduling management

. Linking Buying Motives, Benefits, Support Information, & Other Reinforcement Methods.

(Information for each of the buying influences you have identified, they must not all be the same)

A. Buying Motive

What is most important to each person in the buying centre:

B. Specific Benefits

Match to the buying motive in order of importance. To be used in formal presentation

C. Information to support benefits

How will you prove your benefits

D. Method of Proof

Product demo, video, customer testimonial etc.wq`

1: Kevin Baker

Buyer 1 -Benefits:

Buyer 1:

Buyer 1:

Sales Call Objective (is SMART and requires a customer action) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Here is the context in which to plan your sales dialogue. This is not the first conversation you have had with people from the customer’s organization. You have been gathering needed information via phone calls and email with one or more influencers. Your information capture and the questions you develop should reflect that you have key account information already. You’ve done your homework now go build some credibility by asking great questions to confirm what you know, and get them thinking about the Value Proposition you and your product/service will provide)

6. Begin the Sales Dialogue –

(Plans for few minutes of the sales presentation includes: Introduction, Thank you, Agenda agreement:


(Don’t forget to ask for agreement on how you will approach the rest of the call)

Then Begin ADAPT with an appropriate transition question or statement:

(suggestion: plan here for the sales meeting you will have after you submit the MSP Part 2 – Sales Proposal)

Assessment: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







Transition to Presentation



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