

The following data represent the number of flash drives sold per day at a local computer shop and their prices. The data is used to develop a regression model to predict the number of flash drives sold based on price. Some of the intermediate calculations are provided below: Price in $ Units Sold 44 3 46 4 42 6 45 5 42 9 46 2 50 1 14. Based on the above data, the regression equation is: Enter 1 if your answer is: Price = 40.4814 – 0.8043 ‘Units sold Enter 2 if your answer is: Price = 40.4814 + 0.8043 Units sold Enter 3 if your answer is: Price = -0.8043 +40.4814’Units sald Enter 4 if your answer is: Units sold = 40.4814 -0.8043‘Price Enter 5 if your answer is: Units sold = -0.8043 + 40.4814’Price Answer: 15. Based on the regression equation obtained in the previous question, if the price is set at $33, the predicted number of flash drives sold per day is. Answer: (round your answer to a whole number) 16. What is the correlation coefficient (r) between Units sold and Price? Answer:= (round your answer to one decimal place) 17. Is price a good predictor of the number of flash drives sold? why? Enter 1 if your answer is: No, since the slope and the correlation are negative Enter 2 if your answer is: No, since the correlation is close to zero Enter 3 if your answer is: No, sincer is close to zero Enter 4 if your answer is: Yes, since the correlation is negative and close to – 1 Enter 5 if your answer is: Yes, since the correlation is positive and close to +1


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