

Bad Coffee

You are the manager for the ABC corporation, makers of telephones. You work in the corporate sales office, in downtown Denver. On September 6th you arrive to work with the following incident report on your desk:
On September 4, Garrick Collins was observed in the personnel lounge at 10:15 am pouring himself a cup of coffee from the employee’s coffee pot. He took one sip and then exclaimed, “This is the worst f**king coffee I have ever tasted! Whoever made this coffee deserved to die!” He then poured the remaining coffee from his mug back into the pot and left the area.
Sarah Crawford’s (receptionist) statement: “This isn’t the first time Garrick has done something like this. The other day, we had a cake for Susie’s birthday, and he spit out a piece he has just taken. Claimed it was absolutely inedible. He even accused us of having poisoned his piece. This time, he actually poured the coffee back into the pot! I’ll never drink coffee from that pot again.”
Michael Moore’s (customer service representative) statement: “Garrick is just like that. Sure, he cursed, but he didn’t mean anything by it. He just uses swear words a lot. He’s alright, if you give him a wide berth.”
Previous Actions:
Mr. Collins has received good performance evaluations as a customer service technician, but he has been disciplined twice before for cursing at fellow employees (both times for perceived ineptness on their part), and once before for urinating into a sink in the men’s restroom (he claimed the urinals stunk too much to use without causing nausea). For the cursing incidents, he was given written reprimands. For the urinating incident, he was given a three day suspension without pay and was required to watch a video on healthy work practices.

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For the discussion post, please make a decision on what disciplinary action you would take if you headed up the Human Resources Department.

For the discussion post, please make a decision on what disciplinary action you would take if you headed up the Human Resources Department.

Monday –What disciplinary policies you would like to see at this place of employment?

Tuesday –What is the most appropriate disciplinary action to take at this time?


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