

S STRENGTHS Emotional charged work environment they were able to build a past family friendly programmes with WLPs several work and family-friendly programmes such as job redesign and flexible work options The flexi-work allow nurses to work longer hours per shift but fewer days per week. This allow half hour overlap between the exchange of shifts, so they were able to finish their reports in time their shift is over They put their employee’s well-being first OT department performed up to 17,000 operations while having the same workload WEAKNESSES . Shortage of nurses in the OT department W Less technological advances in medical sciences They recruit nurse managers from outside OPPORTUNITIES Courses teaching the basic duties of a nurse Giving them 3% higher salary per month They had a workplace health seminar which is a great opportunity for staff to be able to share and learn from others. THREATS T There is a shortage of skills in the nursing department Watching their staffs weight and monitoring it as they would pick these staff out and monitor their blood pressure and glucose The extreme of putting them to exercise provided a stepometer to track the steps of their staff Setting up static test stations assess their staff physical fitness and rewarding the top performers and their departments Focus nd DX English (United States of 8 212 of 1433 words


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