JNB357 Global Procurement Page 9


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(Australian Eastern Standard Time) Value: 20% Length: 2000 words ± 10% Based on: Modules 1-4 Learning outcomes 1-2 Submission: Electronically through MyLO Assignment submission folder Before attempting this assignment: Ensure the ‘Assessment’ section in this Unit Outline is read and understood. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the lecturer. Students should refer to the ‘Guide to Assessment’ file under the Content tab on the unit MyLO site for guidelines on assignment presentation. Ensure you understand the assignment question(s) and/or tasks. Once again, consult your lecturer should you be unsure of any matters. Note: All students are required to submit this assignment to be eligible to undertake the final unit examination. Task description & requirements Using examples, discuss how developing purchasing and supply strategies can be affected by the following concepts:

• Sustainability [10 Marks] • E-procurement [10 Marks] The assignment should be presented as a structured essay. At least 12 references need to be provided in this assignment. See the Essay/report assessment criteria sheet on the following page for information about the criteria and the standards by which your work will be judged. JNB357 Global Procurement Page 10 Assignment feedback form: JNB357 Assessment No. 2 Assessment criteria High Distinction* Distinction* Credit* Pass* Fail* Depth and breadth of knowledge demonstrated. Evidence of wide reading & independent research Range of resources used with discrimination Reasonable use of some quality resources Limited use of some quality resources Little/no evidence of use of resources The effects of sustainability on developing purchasing and supply strategies The effects are comprehensively discussed. The effects are clearly discussed. The effects are reasonably discussed. The discussion is partly unclear and inaccurate. The discussion is mostly unclear and inaccurate. The effects of e-procurement on developing purchasing and supply strategies The effects are comprehensively discussed. The effects are clearly discussed. The effects are reasonably discussed. The discussion is partly unclear and inaccurate. The discussion is mostly unclear and inaccurate. Communication in academic writing. Writing is very accurate and clear regarding structure, expression, grammar, spelling & presentation. Writing is mostly very accurate and clear regarding structure, expression, grammar, spelling & presentation. Some inaccuracies and/or lack of clarity are present regarding structure, expression, grammar, spelling & presentation. Significant inaccuracies and/or lack of clarity regarding structure, expression, grammar, spelling & presentation. Highly inaccurate and/or unclear structure, expression, grammar, spelling & presentation. Referencing in academic writing. Text is fully referenced. All intext references/citations and end of references are accurate as per UTAS Library Harvard Referencing Guide. Referencing is mostly accurate and consistent as per UTAS Library Harvard Referencing Guide. Some inconsistent and inaccurate referencing as per UTAS Library Harvard Referencing Guide. Inconsistent and inaccurate referencing as per UTAS Library Harvard Referencing Guide. No referencing or highly inconsistent and inaccurate referencing as per UTAS Library Harvard Referencing Guide. * Please note that the criteria listed above are not necessarily of equal weighting, nor are they all-inclusive; they give an indication of your performance.


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