Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios

Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios.

Assuming you about to graduate as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP):


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Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios

To Prepare for the Assignment:

Review the Learning Resources concerning developing your professional cover letter, resume, and portfolio.

Review the Cover Letter, Resume, and Portfolio Assignment Guide

The following checklists outline all of the items you should include in your cover letter, resume, and portfolio.

Checklist for Cover Letter

The cover letter should be:

Presented and formatted in a professional business manner

Addressed properly

Clear and concise and include:

Content Introduction

Content Body

Content Conclusion

Written in a professional style and include:

Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar

Clear and accurate sentence structure

Checklist for Resume
The Resume should be clear, concise, and well-organized and it should also include:

Name, address, business phone number, and e-mail address (top center of resume)

Profile: 2鈥3 sentences describing goal and positive attributes/characteristics

Certifications and licensure


Professional experience



Checklist for Portfolio

The Portfolio should be clear, concise, and well-organized and it should also include the:

Personal philosophy statement


Personal goals (short term and long term)


Cover letter


Diplomas for formal education

Letters of recommendation

References (list names, affiliation, and contact information)


Certificates of attendance for continuing education



Oral presentations and/or poster presentations


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Create professional cover letters, resumes, and portfolios

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