Compare criminal justice of the US against another country

Compare criminal justice of the US against another country.

This semester, you will create a presentation that compares the U.S. criminal justice system to that of another country. The purpose of the presentation is for you to demonstrate effective subject knowledge of comparative criminal justice, organization of ideas, efficient delivery, and appropriate use of communication aid. You are free to use any country for comparison except for the six model nations that are presented in the text (USA, England, France, Germany, China, Saudi Arabia & Japan). Presentations must cover the family of law as well as the cultural perspectives on policing, courts, and corrections. • Your presentation should consist of 10-15 slides. A reference or title slide are required but is not counted toward the minimum number of slides. • Please make sure you included videos segments, articles and you tube videos to support your submission.

Compare criminal justice of the US against another country

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