Circuluum Evaluation Task 3

Circuluum Evaluation Task 3.

A. Provide a series of lesson plans that form a multiday unit plan for your instructional setting that includes and identifies the following components: • objectives • description of the content • recommended instructional strategies • assessment strategies

1. Discuss the relevance of the unit plan’s learning objectives to your instructional setting. B. Describe a weak area in the curriculum content of the unit plan. 1. Recommend a change to strengthen the area described in part B and justify how this change would improve the overall curriculum content of the unit. C. Describe a weak instructional strategy in the unit plan. 1. Recommend a change to the instructional strategy described in part C and justify how this change would assist all students in meeting the learning objectives. After incorporating the recommended changes you provided in parts B and C, teach a sample lesson from the unit plan in your instructional setting or review the entire unit plan with a professional colleague. Then do the following: D. Reflect on how effective your recommended changes from parts B and C were in addressing a wide variety of issues or challenges (such as issues or challenges related to curricular content, instructional delivery, classroom management, etc.) in your instructional setting. E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

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Circuluum Evaluation Task 3

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