Choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present.

Choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present..

 Instructions This course has introduced and assessed many noteworthy figures related to the continuing buildup of the United States and its place within the world and globalization during the last 170 years. For this assignment, you will choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present. Your selection may be taken from speakers or religious, economic, or social leaders. This assignment is open to any reform discussed in this course (e.g., creed, race, age, status, gender), but you may not use any U.S. president. You should focus on communicating the figure’s relevance in today’s modern era. Why and how is this figure important today? This is not meant to be a biography. Your argument should highlight how society remembers him or her now. In this unit, create a one-page outline in preparation for the Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation. The purpose of an outline is to help you plan, organize, and connect ideas together so that you can see the overall picture of your final product. At the beginning of the outline, make sure to include a 2–3 sentence introduction that lets the reader know your chosen topic. At the end of the outline, include at least two potential sources you would like to consider using for the Unit VII PowerPoint Presentation (see the assignment instructions in Unit VII for more details regarding the types of sources required for your final product). • Introduce how your figure impacted a civil rights movement (including, but not limited to, creed, race, age, status, or gender). Note: His or her impact may not necessarily be a positive one. • Identify how this figure is viewed on the national and/or world stage. • Discuss how this figure may have influenced challenges and/or opportunities for the United States as a global power (i.e., their international impact). • Provide a perspective on if this figure’s impact would have been seen as progressive.

Choose an influential public figure from the mid-19th century to the present.

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