Case Study a Infections of the Skin, Eyes, and Underlying Tissues

Case Study a Infections of the Skin, Eyes, and Underlying Tissues. MICROBIOLOGY

Case Study a

  1. Infections of the Skin, Eyes, and Underlying Tissues

It was so exciting! Caitlyn was the only freshman girl selected for Varsity Singers, her high school’s touring show choir. Their summer “retreat” was a six-day mega-rehearsal to learn all of the choreography for their upcoming show season. Monday through Saturday the week before school resumed, the 28 performers danced from 8 A M to 8 P M in their un-air-conditioned gymnasium. Caitlyn didn’t particularly mind the hot, humid rehearsal conditions, but sweating profusely in dance leotards every day was really starting to aggravate the acne on her shoulders and back. After a special preliminary performance for their families on Saturday night, Caitlyn showered and dressed to go home. It was then she discovered a very large, angry “pimple” that rubbed uncomfortably on the back waistband of her jeans. By morning, it was raised and the size of a dime. Caitlyn’s mother washed the

affected area, cleansed it with hydrogen peroxide, and applied an antibiotic ointment, telling her they would call the doctor tomorrow if it didn’t improve.

  1. What possible infections might Caitlyn have?
  2. What microbes would normally cause these infections? Are these microorganisms normal skin flora, pathogens, or both? Explain.

Monday morning, the first day of school, Caitlyn’s back was sore. “A great way to start high school,” she thought. Caitlyn’s mother took her to the pediatrician’s office right after school. The PA examined her back and was alarmed to see a lesion almost two inches in diameter. It was tender to the touch with poorly demarcated margins. The region was raised, warm, and Erythematous (reddened) with several smaller red lines radiating outward.

  1. What is your diagnosis? Describe the nature of this condition.

After consulting with the pediatrician, Keflex was prescribed for Caitlyn. She was sent home with instructions to monitor the infection. If it was not obviously improved by the next day, she was to return for reevaluation.

  1. To what class of antibiotics does Keflex belong? How does this drug work? What group of microbes is especially susceptible to it?

On Tuesday morning, Caitlyn went immediately to see her pediatrician. The lesion was the size of an egg and quite sore. Caitlyn also presented with a temperature of 38.4°C (101.2°F). Motrin and compresses were advised as comfort measures. The Keflex was continued and the lesion cultured for laboratory

analysis. Again, she was told to return if she didn’t notice improvement.

  1. How would you collect a specimen from Caitlyn’s lesion? Name several types of transport media commonly used. Why is it so important to appropriately transport a specimen to the microbiology laboratory?
  2. What media will likely be inoculated when this sample arrives in the laboratory? State your reason(s) for choosing the media you’ve indicated.
  3. In addition to media inoculation, what other procedure will be performed immediately using the specimen?

The preliminary Gram stain of the specimen showed many Gram-positive cocci in clusters. After 24 hours, the TSA with 5% sheep blood plate demonstrated pure growth of small, round, smooth, white, gamma-hemolytic colonies.  The same colony morphology was observed on the PEA (or CNA) plate with zero growth on the EMB (or MacConkey) plate. Colonies were also observed on the MSA plate, which was completely pink in color.

  1. What is meant by the term “pure growth”? What does it say regarding the quality of your specimen collection?
  2. Based upon these laboratory results, what microbe do you predict is causing Caitlyn’s infection? Explain. What two chemical tests would you perform next to verify your answer?

Colonies from the TSA plate were suspended in sterile saline and introduced into the Vitek II analyzer. It confirmed Staphylococcus epidermidis was the pathogen involved and indicated Keflex sensitivity.

HATS Off to MRSA b

They had toyed with the idea for years, and now, Jacob, Tony, and Tom had finally made their dream of a family business a reality. With Jacob’s computer expertise, Tom’s experience from his marketing internship, and Tony’s apprenticeship with a master painter, the three brothers were confident that “Color Your World Painters, Inc.” would be a successful business venture. After only six months, their Internet and local TV advertising had made them a household name in their community. Tony had to hire additional painters to handle their burgeoning workload. The brothers moved to a larger office, purchased improved equipment, and issued all employees uniforms and painter’s caps with their flashy new logo.

Business that summer was booming. The hot, sweaty paint crew worked from sun up to sun down every day. Upon returning to headquarters, they hung their caps on the wall, changed out their uniforms for street clothes, and collected nice fat paychecks. Jacob boasted smugly that things couldn’t be better…until one morning Tony didn’t show up for work. Annoyed, Jacob grabbed a uniform and Tony’s hat, got the painters organized, and took his brother’s place on the work crew while Tom tried to track down Tony. Tom’s second phone call reached his five-year-old niece, who was answering her mother’s cell phone. In a small and tearful voice, she told her uncle that they were at the hospital and daddy was

very sick because he had slime leaking out of his head. Confident that his niece’s imagination had run away with her, Tom reassured the little girl and told her he would be right there. Tom left a voicemail message on Jacob’s cell phone and headed to the hospital. When he met his sister-in-law, Julia, Tom was shocked to find his brother was in surgery. Stunned, Tom listened to Julia describe the events of the last few days. Out of embarrassment, Tony never mentioned to his brothers that he periodically suffered from boils around his hairline when working under hot, humid conditions. Two days ago, when Tony noticed the first few boils appear, he assumed it was just a recurrence of his seasonal problem. But, after 24 hours, Tony was becoming concerned. This was the worst case he had ever experienced. He had at least a dozen boils on the back of his neck and into his hairline. Despite his discomfort, Tony continued work without complaint, although he secretly blamed his problem on wearing the new company cap that made him sweat more around his hairline.

That evening, Tony showed Julia his neck and asked her to help him disinfect and bandage the area. His frightened wife pleaded with him to go to the emergency room, but Tony flatly refused. Number one, they didn’t have health insurance and he certainly did want to run up a bill. But number two, Tony was not about to be humiliated by going to the hospital for something so simple. In his mind, boils could hardly be considered life-threatening. Julia gently cleansed the area for her husband, counting 13 boils the size of a dime or larger. Tony winced in pain.

  1. What microbes commonly cause boils?
  2. What is another name for a boil?
  3. What is the incubation time for boil development?
  4. What factors are facilitating Tony’s problem?
  5. What at-home cleansing and treatment options would you have recommended Julia try?

line. Tony found it humorous that his “gooey zits” got quick attention at an ED known for its long wait times. Dr. Bergmann, an infectious disease physician, examined Tony, noting heat, extreme erythema, folliculitis, 15 boils ~1–2 cm in diameter, some draining copious amounts of pus, and numerous seeping  ulcerations. Dr. Bergmann applied a topical anesthetic before lancing several boils for culture. He ordered four sets of blood cultures drawn, started broad spectrum IV antibiotics, and immediately scheduled Tony for surgical debridement of his infection.

  1. Why did the doctor lance boil to collect a specimen for culture when many others were already draining pus?
  2. Why did Dr. Bergmann start Tony on antibiotics even though he didn’t know the microbe involved or its drug sensitivity?
  3. Why were blood cultures ordered?
  4. Why was Tony a candidate for immediate surgery?

Tom and Julia sat for about an hour in the waiting room before Dr. Bergmann arrived with an update on Tony’s condition. Preliminary Gram stain results from the lab confirmed Gram-positive clusters of cocci in Tony’s boils. Due to the extensive tissue damage, Dr. Bergmann confided to the family that he suspected community acquired-MRSA. Although Tony was “resting uncomfortably,” the surgical debridement of a 3.5 cm  10 cm area was a success. Tony would receive a three-week course of IV vancomycin before being permitted to return to work.

  1. What common skin microbes demonstrate this Gram morphology and staining?
  2. What does MRSA stand for?
  3. What is the difference between community acquired-MRSA and hospital acquired-MRSA?
  4. How does the resistance demonstrated by this organism differ from the resistance it typically shows to penicillin?
  5. Why is vancomycin a good treatment choice when penicillin and methicillin are ineffective?
  6. What complications are associated with IV vancomycin treatment?
  7. Tony’s infection progressed rapidly and resulted in substantial soft tissue damage. Why is MRSA able to cause this problem?

Case Study a Infections of the Skin, Eyes, and Underlying Tissues

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BIO 1015 Week 4 Assignment 1 Discussion Question (***** Both Questions Answered + APA Format + Original Work + References ******)



Question 1


Alcohol Abuse



Mr. Wilko is a 40-year-old salesperson with a wife and three teenage children. He has recently begun to have a beer at lunch and a few drinks after work to reduce his work-related stress. An economic downturn in the housing industry has reduced the need for new home appliances and his income and sales record has been affected. Several other salespeople have been laid off at his firm. He has been told that if his sales and attendance records do not improve he will be fired. He and his wife are constantly arguing about finances and the children’s increasing demands for money. His drinking has increased to several beers at lunch and continued drinking after dinner. When he returns to work with alcohol on his breath, he is dismissed from his job. He continues to consume alcohol during the day as he attempts a job search. His wife is very concerned, as are his teenage children.

  • Mr. Wilko states he is a social drinker and “can stop at any time.” How accurate is his self-assessment? his self -assessment is not accurate for the simple fact that he considers himself a social drinker he is in denial that depression has set in.
  • What stressors are present in Mr. Wilko’s case? anxiety,depression
  • Why does Mr. Wilko continue to increase his alcohol intake? to surpress the feelings on depression or fear of losing his job he feels as if he continues to increase his drinking it will subside the feelings that he is having
  • What changes in liver function can Mr. Wilko expect if he continues to drink large amounts of alcohol? his liver function
  • Mr. Wilko complains to his wife that all the stress is causing “indigestion.” How do stress and alcohol consumption affect GI function?
  • Why is Mr. Wilko at greater risk of trauma? because he is consuming way too much alcohol at an increasing rate above normal which can lead to gastritis as well as pancreatitis



Question 2


Gastrointestinal Disorders Case


A 50-year-old man has been suffering from substernal pain for the last 5 months, particularly on waking up in the morning. He lost his job a year ago and was suffering from depression. He consumes about 12–16 cans of beer every day. He has lost his appetite too and says that eating aggravates pain.

  • Is this acute or chronic gastritis?  Chronic gastritis
  • What factors may lead to the development of gastritis? Loss of appetite black or tarry stools upset stomach depression
  • What investigation should be performed?
  • How can the patient be treated?


BIO 1015 Week 4

Week 4 assignments pathophysiology


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Patricia Westerford Chapter – The Overstory – Richard Powers Q&Q Response

Patricia Westerford Chapter – The Overstory – Richard Powers Q&Q Response. Patricia Westerford Chapter – The Overstory – Richard Powers

Q&Q Response

For your next Q&Q response as part of the Plant Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration module, I’d like you to read a chapter from Richard Powers’ recent novel (that won the Pulitzer Prize) entitled, The Overstory. The novel is a fascinating story about humans, plants, plant intelligence, history, ecosystems, human hubris and folly, and future of the planet. The novel follows 9 characters, who are introduced individually in their own chapters, and then their individual stories are synthesized together into one meta-story (i.e. “the overstory”), similar to the ways that individual trees are connected together (both underground and aboveground) in a forest.

The chapter I have excerpted here is about one of those characters, Patricia Westerford, and there are lots of intriguing ideas and connections to our class in this chapter. Powers is clearly well-versed in science and botany, so although it is fiction (and very well written fiction, IMO), a lot of the references he makes are rooted in scientific facts. So I hope you enjoy reading some fiction for a change!

For this Q&Q response, make sure you leave yourself enough time to read it, as it is a bit longer than the other Q&Q readings. Also, for your paper, do the normal things by pulling out a couple key quotations or passages; and pose (and attempt to answer) some questions about what those passages might mean and why they might be important or what they might connect to in our class…. For this one, though, I want you try to relate the description and detailed characterization of this character, Patricia Westerford, to what appears to be part of Powers’ broader thesis. I know you aren’t reading the whole novel, so you can’t fully articulate what the full thesis of the novel might be, but I want you to specifically think and write about:

1) Why is he creating a character like Patricia?

2) What are some of her key qualities and attributes?

3) Why is it important to understand and potentially relate to a person like Patricia?

4) What does this character potentially say about humans’ relationships to plants and the natural world more broadly?

Please attempt to answer those questions in your response.

A good, quality thoughtful response will be 3 – 6 pages (including quotations, so that really isn’t that long, overall). I hope you have fun. Let me know if you have any questions.

Patricia Westerford Chapter – The Overstory – Richard Powers Q&Q Response

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BIO – Exercise 2: The Globin Gene

BIO – Exercise 2: The Globin Gene. Exercise 2: The Globin Gene

1. Complete the DNA molecule by writing a complementary strand.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC Complementary Strand:
2. Write the mRNA sequence that will be created in the process of transcription. The DNA coding strand has the information for the gene, so the strand must be transcribed. The relationships are slightly different for RNA, because RNA does not have T; therefore, U should be substituted for T. To transcribe DNA to RNA, the pairing relationship is A – U, T – A, C – G, and G – C, respectively.

Coding Strand: CGT CTC TTC GGA CAC

mRNA Strand:

3. Translate the mRNA into amino acids. Use Table 1 as a reference. Remember, when a “stop”
codon is recognized, the protein creation is terminated.

mRNA Strand:
Amino Acids Formed:


A. How many nucleotides would it take to construct the mRNA coding strand of the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
B. How many nucleotides would it take to model the entire β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule?
C. Is the β-subunit of the hemoglobin A molecule a complete DNA molecule (chromosome) or part of one? Explain.
D. What would happen if one of the DNA nucleotides was deleted? What if the first T was substituted for an A? Would a substitution always result in a change? Explain why or why not.
E. Using your newly formed model of DNA from Exercise 1, write the coding strand below. Use the coding strand to determine the mRNA strand and the amino acids formed. Do this separately for Row 1 and Row 2 of your DNA model.

Data Table: Newly Formed Model of DNA from Exercise 1
Coding Strand
mRNA Strand
Amino Acids Formed
F. Did the new DNA model form any two of the same amino acids?
G. Optional: Compare the amino acids that were formed in this experiment with those of classmates who also performed this experiment. Were there many similarities?

BIO – Exercise 2: The Globin Gene

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