Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L”

Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L”.

Lab 8 Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L”

Student Name: Olusola Rapphael Adeoshun Access Code (located on the underside of the lid of your lab kit): M6P8RHO

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Data Sheet 1. Insert your dichotomous key here.

2. Write your microorganism number here:

Microorganism 3 Gram stain

3. Fill in the following table as you complete the interactive.

Test Observations

Gram Staining It appear to have some circular stains with a

darkish-purplish color

FTM The top is a little cloudy and has a light

yellowish color

Starch Test The cross (microbes) at the center is clearly

visible and the starch has a dark purple color

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Lab 8 Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L” 4. What was the species of your assigned microorganism? Describe how you used your

dichotomous key to come to this conclusion. Include any relevant tests and how the

results helped you draw your conclusion.

The source of microorganism 3 is Bacillus Subtilis. I utilized my

dichotomous key and it tested positive for the starch test. The highly white

color emanating from the organism assisted in reaching this conclusion.

However, before reaching a final overall conclusion, another test must be

done hence, I examined the FTM tube and observed that the organism is an

OA organism based on the growths towards the oxygen at the top of the

tube. Lastly, due to the dark colored bacteria, the gram staining test was

positive. The other clue that led me to the conclusion about microbe 3 is

that these organisms appeared in pairs during the starch test, which is

similar to what I observed during the Gram stain. Furthermore, all

organisms are rod shaped and appear to form a chain during the gram

stain process.

Insert screenshots of your tests for your microorganism:

Gram Staining:


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Lab 8 Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L” FTM:

Starch Test:

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Lab 8 Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L”

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Identifying an Unknown Organism BIO250L”

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