Boundary Value Analysis

Boundary Value Analysis.

For each of the following submodules, determine the complete set of equivalence categories. For each equivalence category, (1) give an appropriate test input/import, and (2) describe the expected output/export. (a) Submodule max Imports: num1, num2 (integers) Exports: maximum (integer) Exports the larger of the two imported values. (b) Submodule calcGrade Imports: mark (integer) Exports: grade (string) Calculates a grade, given a mark. For marks less than 50, the grade is “F”. For marks from 50 to 100, the grade is the mark with the last digit removed, converted to a string (e.g. “7” for a mark of 78). If mark is invalid, calcGrade will export the empty string “”. (c) Submodule roomArea Imports: width, length (integers)

Exports: area (integer) Calculates the area of a rectangular room, but only if the imported width and length are valid. To be valid, width must be positive, and length must be between one and three times the width, inclusive. For invalid imports, this submodule will return 0. (d) Submodule substr Imports: str1, str2 (strings) Exports: nothing Determines whether one string (piece of text) occurs inside the other. For instance, if str1 is “conscience” and str2 is “science”, then this submodule reports that str2 occurs inside str1. If str1 is “soni” and str2 is “seasoning”, the submodule reports that str1 occurs inside str2. Outputs the result to the screen. 2.BoundaryValueAnalysis For parts (a) and (b) of the previous question, determine a set of test imports using boundary value analysis. 

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Boundary Value Analysis

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