Blumer’s theory of race prejudice.

Blumer’s theory of race prejudice..

 write a 4-5 page essay explaining, illustrating, and reflecting on Blumer’s theory of race prejudice. What is prejudice, according to Blumer? Blumer writes: “to characterize one group is, by opposition, to define one’s own group.” What does he mean? How does a “sense of group position” shape how we see other racial and ethnic groups? What is the importance of abstract images in this process of group definition? Give an example from your own experience, the experience of someone you know, or one of the movies What are the four feelings of race prejudice Blumer identifies? Give an example of each from your own experience, the experience of someone you know, or one of the movies. Why is Blumer’s reconceptualization of prejudice important? What can we do about prejudice in society?

Blumer’s theory of race prejudice.

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