Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment
Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment. Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment
Pamphlet addressing non-scientific community and presentation
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Order Paper NowAddresses Learning Outcome:
Recognize risk factors leading to disease and identify preventive measures and treatments.
This assignment is designed for you to demonstrate your ability to communicate your knowledge of a disease to the lay (non-scientific and non-medical) public.
The disease or disorder should not be a common (uncommon) chronic disease or a unique preventable disease that has already addressed in our course.  Common diseases include coronary artery disease, Alzheimer disease, arthritis, diabetes, AIDS, hypo- and hyper-thyroidism, hypertension, psoriasis, sleep apnea, Lyme’s Disease, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis, mononucleosis, asthma, urinary tract infections, many STDs (check with your instructor), irritable bowel disease, strep throat, MRSA, polio, tuberculosis, Lockjaw, anorexia nervosa, autism, Down syndrome, and many cancers (check with your instructor).  For any additions to this list, check with your instructor.
Create an informative pamphlet about the chosen chronic or preventable disease for a non-scientific community. Ideally, the pamphlet should be in the form of a six-page pamphlet.
The pamphlet should contain the following:
Content and language that targets a lay audience.  All terms should be explained and diagrams and graphics should be provided to clarify concepts and ideas.
A brief description of the disease, including its symptoms and signs
Explanation of the effects of the disease on healthy body function including cellular, tissue, organ and organ system levels
Risk factors contributing to the onset of the disease
Description of preventive steps to avoid the disease (if avoidable)
Available diagnostic and therapeutic tools
Outcomes of the disease (such as prognosis or recovery potential)
Information about how a person suffering from the disease can maintain a desirable quality of life, minimize or slow the progress of the disease
Body of the pamphlet
At a minimum, your pamphlet should contain the following required elements:
Addresses signs, symptoms
Explains effects of the disease on healthy body functions, and relates this to signs and symptoms
Analyzes risk factors and preventive steps
Describes maintenance of quality of life
Discusses diagnostic and therapeutic tools
Explains expected outcomes and prognosis
Describes current areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure
Describes possible future areas of research into prevention, treatment or cure
Conclusion – summary of your findings
Final list of references included in pamphlet
Clarity, proper grammar, punctuation, spelling
List all references at the end of your pamphlet. You must use at least five references from credible, scientifically rigorous sources and cite them using American Psychological Association (APA) style. Two or more references should be from the UMUC Library. The references cited should be no older than seven years (published 2004 – 2011).  References should be listed on a separate page that does not count toward the required length of the paper.
Format of the pamphlet
Two tri-fold pages (if printed back to back this tri-fold would be one page printed on both sides)
All content written in your own words
Reference citations included in APA format (not part of the tri-fold; should be provided on a separate page)
Pamphlet and PPT presentation (10%): Explain a disease of the reproductive system that has a genetic basis — risk factors, prevention, maintenance of health, treatment, outcomes; chronic disease—maintenance of state (prevention/slow progression), quality of life. If none is to your liking, OK to choose another disease that you have not chosen before. Also explain the disease’s effects on the body. Post the Pamphlet in your Assignments Folder but the PPT in the Discussion of week # 8.
Biology 301 Pamphlet Assignment
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