Assignment 3: Posttraumatic Stress.

Assignment 3: Posttraumatic Stress..

READ: Hughes et al. (2011).  Posttraumatic Stress among Students after the Shootings at Virginia TechPsychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Vol. 3, No. 4, 403–411


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1.         What is the Problem that is being identified by this study?

2.         What are the Research Questions AND Hypotheses in this study?

3.         Is this a Quantitative or Qualitative Study? Why do you think this design was selected. Provide      what the rationale would be if you were the researcher.

4.         Is this Design cross sectional (one shot deal) or over time (longitudinal)? Why do you think this design was selected. Provide what the rationale would be if you were the researcher.

5.         Identify each of the variables?

6.         Identify the independent variable (explanatory)?

7.         Identify the dependent variable (outcome)?

8.         Identify what would be considered a “modifying” variable (that which might serve to change the relationship between the independent and the dependent variables? – IF APPLICABLE)

9.         Identify the measurement instruments that are being used to measure each of the main variables?

10.       Identify the levels of measurement for each variable?

11.       Identify the reliability score for each measurement that is a multi-item measure.

12.       Identify the appropriate tests that are being used to test each hypothesis and describe why they were selected by the researcher to use.

13.       What level of significance is being used for each? (Be sure to identify each test and each level of significance).

14.       Describe in detail the descriptive and inferential statistics in this study. 

Assignment 3: Posttraumatic Stress.

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