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I. The _plane is at right angles to both the and pla nes.
A. Sagittal; midsagittal; coronal B. Transvers; coronal; sagittal C. Coronal; sagittal; transvers D. Medial; coronal; transvers E. Transvers; sagittal; coronal
2. Skin, hair, and nails are associated with the A. Skeletal system B. Muscular system C. lntegumentary system D. Endocrine system E. Both A and B
3. The peritoneum separates from the A. The right pleural cavity; left pleural cavity B. The dorsal cavity ; ventral cavity C. The pleural cavity; coelom D. The thoracic cavity ; peritoneal cavity E. The abdominal cavity; pelvic cavity
4. Atype of lipid that is produced by nearly everytissue in the body and that acts as a local regulator of metabolism is the
A. Prostaglandin B. Steroids3 C. Monoglycerides D. Phospholipids E. Glycolipids
5. Glycoproteins and proteoglycans are combination of proteins and A. Fatty acids B. Carbohydrates C. Lipids D. Nucleic acids E. None ofthe above
6. In an exergonic reaction A. Large molecules are broken down into smaller ones B. Small molecules are assembled into larger ones C. Molecules are rearranged to form new molecules D. Molecules move from reactions to products and back E. Energy is released during the reaction
7. Diffusion of a substance across the cell membrane is influenced by all of the following, except:
A. lts ability to dissolve in water B. The size of the membrane channel C. The charge on the ion molecule D. The charge of the membrane E. lts solubility in the lipid membrane
8. Facilitated diffusion differs from ordinarv diffusion in that facilitated diffusion A. Expends no ATP .! B. Moves molecules from an area of their hieher concentration to their lower
C. The rate of molecular movement is limited bv the number of available carrier molecules
D. Never eliminates the concentration gradient E. The rate of molecular movement is not limited by the number of available carrier
9. Crenation occurs when a blood cell is placed in a(n)
A. lsotonic B. Hypertonic C. Hypotonic D. Merotonic E. Homotonic
Components of the cytoskeleton
A. Microfilaments B. Intermediatefilaments C. Basal bodies D. Microtubules E. Thick filaments
may include all of the following, except:
v,. The process of forming mRNA is called A. Replication B. Transcription C. Translation D. Ribolation E. Auscultation
1,2. The cell duplicates its chromosomes during the_phase A. Go B. Gr c.Gz D. Gm E.S
13. A nucleotide consists of
A. A five -carbon sugar and a phosphate group B. A five- carbon sugar and a nitrogenous base C. A phosphate group and a nitrogenous base D. A five-carbon sugar, a nitrogenous base and a phosphate E. A five -carbon sugar and an amino acid
14. The cells in a hairfolliclethat are responsibleforforming hair are the A. Papillary B. Matrix C. Cortex D. Medullary E. lntermediate
15. Proteins are A. Critically important for physiological processes B. Composed of fatty acids C. Composed of nucleic acids D. Macromolecules with subunits linked by polypeptide bonds E. AandD
16. Hydrolysis A. Involves removal of water molecules from larger molecules B. Involves breaking of covalent bonds within water molecules and transfer of the
resulting ions to other molecules
C. Results in the breakdown of large molecules in the body D. AandB E. B and C.
17.Thef|uidaspectofthef|uid-mosaicmode|ofthep|asmamembraneappliestothe: A. Transport of soluble materials across the membrane B. Water in the membrane C. Lateral movemehi of lipids and proteins within the bilayer D. Movement of lipid-soluble materials through the bilayer E. Shaoe of the membrane
l-8. From its atomic number of l-5, one can state that the phosphorus atom has: A. 15 protons and therefore L5 electrons B. L5 protons and therefore 15 neutrons C. 15 neutrons D. 15 protons E. Any combination of protons and electrons that totals 15
19, Which of the following represents the correct order of the layers of the epidermis from the deepest to the most superficial?
A. Stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum,stratum basale, and stratum spinosum
B. Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, and stratum corneum
C. Stratum spinosum, stratum basale, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum, and stratum granulosum
D. Stratum basale, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum spinosum, and stratum corneum
E. Stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale
20.Asymporterwi||transport-acroSsthece||membrane A. Two different ions or molecules in opposite directions B. Two different ions or molecules in the same directions C. Two of the same ions or molecules in the same direction D. One specific ion or molecule E. Two of the same ions or molecules in opposite directions
21,. The oxygen atom of a water molecule A. Attracts electrons less strongly than the hydrogen atoms B. ls more positively charged than the hydrogen atoms
-C. ls more electronegative than the hydrogen atoms
D. ls electrically neutral E. ls attracted to the negatively charged atoms of other molecules
22. Each of the following is a function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum except one. ldentify the exception.
A. Removal and storage of calcium ions B. Modification of protein products C. Synthesis of steroid hormones D. Synthesis of triglycerides in liver cells E. Detoxification of druss in liver cells
23. Two solutions are separated by a semipermeable membrane with the same properties as a cell membrane. Solution Ais5% glucose and solution B is 10% glucose. Underthese circumstances, which of the following would most likely occur? A. Water will move from solution A to solution B B. Water will move from solution B to solution A C, Glucose will move from solution A to solution B D. Glucose will move from solution B to solution A E. At equilibrium the concentration of glucose will be higher in solution B.
24. The type of epithelium that is found lining internal body compartments and blood vessels is
A. Simple squamous epithelium B. Stratifies squamous epithelium C, Simple cuboidal epithelium D. Stratified cuboidal eoithelium E. Transitional epithelium
25. Which of the following membranes line cavities that communicate wlth the exterior of the body?
A. Mucous B.’ serous C. Cutaneous D. Synovial E. Pleural
25, Why does damaged cartilage heal slowly?
A. Chondrocytes cannot be replaced if killed, and other celltypes musttake their place B. Cartilage is avascular so nutrients and other molecules must diffuse to the site of
C. Damaged cartilage becomes calcified, thus blocking the movement of materials required for healing
D. Chondrocytes divide more slowly than other cell types delaying the healing process E. Damaged collagen cannot be quickly replaced, thus slowing the healing process
27. The red color and heat associated with inflamed tissue is the result of A. Increased number of white cells in the injured area B. Localvasodilation C. Loss of blood from the injured tissue D. Increased numbers of bacteria in the area of the wound E. The release of heparin from injured tissue
28, Cardiac muscle differs from the other two types of muscle tissue in that cardiac musvle A. Has visible striations B. Has only one nucleus per cell C. Has the ability to contract independent of neural stimulation D. Contains actin and myosin filaments E. Forms muscle fibers
29. The most abundant cells in the epidermis are A. Adipocytes B. Keratinocytes C. Merkel cells D. Melanocytes E. Langerhans cells
30. The highest concentration of merocrine sweatglands would be found A. In the axillae B. On the chest C. On the plams of the hands D. On the upper back E. Surrounding the genitals
31. Charlie is badly burned in an accident with fireworks on the Fourth of July. When he reaches the emergency room, the examining physician finds that he can remove entire hair follicles from Charlie’s arm when he gently pulls on a hair with his forceps. Charlie is suffering from a A. First degree burn B. Second degree burn C. Third degree burn D. Partiai thickness burn E. Epidermal burn
32. Whichofthefollowingisatypeofsecretioninwhichsomecytoplasmislostwiththe product?
A. Holocrine B. Merocrine C. Apocrine D. Mucus E. Serous
33. Which of the following organs has both exocrine and endocrine functions? A. Anterior pituitary B. Pancreas C. Thyroid D. Skin E. Lungs
34. An important buffer in body fluids is A. NaCl B. NaOH c. Hcl D. NaHCO3 E. HzO
35. Which of the following lists includes only
a noth er?
A. Glycogen, glucose, sucrose B. Starch, glycogen, cellulose C. Glucose, fructose,galactose D. Ribose, glycogen, glucose E. Deoxyribose, glycogen, starch
monosaccharaides that are isomers of one
The popliteal region is the
A. Calf B. Armpit C. Hollow behind the knee D. Neck E, Thigh
Which of the following organs
A. Stomach B. Liver C. Heart D. Kidney E. Ovary
is retrooeritoneal in location?
38. The reactions that use water to split molecules apart are called_reactions A. Synthesis B. Hydrolysis C. Dehydration D. Reversible E. Oxidation
39. ln the equation 2H2 + Oz ———) 2H2O A. Hz, Oz, and H2O are all compounds B. Hz, Oz and H2O are all molecules C, Only H2O is a compound D. Hz and 02 are elements E. Hz,Oz, and H2O are all molecules but only H20 is a compound
40. Which of the following sets of directionalterms are most appropriately referred to as opposites?
A. Distal and proximal B. Medial and inferior ”
C. Superior and ventral D. Anterior and deeo E. Lateraland superior
41,. Which of the following elements is NOT a trace element? A. Zinc B. Manganese C. Nitrogen D. lron E. Fluorine
42. _Eicosanoids A. Are fat-soluble vitamins B. Are components of the plasma membrane C. Are structural proteins D. Play a role in the response of tissues to injuries E. Comprise of genetic material
43. _Which of the following organelles contain hydrolytic enzymes that digest materials? A. Peroxisome B. Mitochondria C. Lysosome D. Proteosome E. Contractile vacuole
44. In a molecule of oxygen, two pairs of electrons are shared by two oxygen atoms. The type of bond that is formed would be an example of a(n) A. Single covalent bond B. Double covalent bond C. Triple covalent bond D. Polar covalent bond E. Hydrogen bond
45. Which of the following is the correct order for the structura I levels of the bodv, from the smallest to the largest?
A. Cells) atoms-)tissues) subatomic particles)organ systems)organs B. cel ls) atoms-)su batom ic pa rticles) organs-)tissue) orga n systemi C, Su batomic pa rticles-) atoms-)cells-)tissues-)organs-)orga n systems D. Subatom ic pa rticles-) atoms-)tissues-) cells–) orga n systems–) orga ns E. Subatomic pa rticles-) atoms–) cells-)orga n systems-)tissues-)orga ns
46. Homeostasis: A is a dynamic process usually employing negative feedback B. is a static process that is independent of feedback control mechanisms C. is a dynamic process usually employing positive feedback D. refers only to those mechanisms designed to prevent hemorrhaging E. isphysiological disequilibrium
47. A major avenue by which molecules can cross a plasma membrane is by: I a carrier-mediated transport system ll diffusion through the lipid regions lll movement through membrane pores
A. I only B. ll only C. lll only D. I and ll only E. I , ll, and lll
48. ldentify the specific type of exocrine gland based on the following information. Form: branched and rounded
Location : mammary glands Function: produce and secrete milk
A. Simple coiled tubular B. Simple branched tubular C. Compound tubular D. Compound alveolar E. Compound tubuloaveolar
49. Which of the following fibers gives skin its flexibility? A. Collagenous B. Reticular C. Elastic D. Collagenous and reticular E. Reticular and elastic
50. Skin color depends on all of the following EXCEPT : A. Pigments B. Vitamin D C. Skin thickness D. Underlyingvasculature E. Environmental temperature
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