A video review and some worked solutions to exam type questions.

A video review and some worked solutions to exam type questions..

Several short videos will be provided. These videos will be on how the mathematics you are studying in MATH1031 is being used by someone working in a non-mathematical field. Your job will be to choose one of these and write a few paragraphs about the video. Some exam style questions will be presented to you on Maple TA and your job will be to write solutions to these questions. You will be able to check the correctness some parts of your answer using Maple TA so your main task will be to present your answers well with good explanations of your working. Your work will need to be typed (not hand written and scanned) and you will submit your work online through links on Moodle. After submission you will need to assess and rank your own work and the work of 4 other students. Tutors will also grade parts of your submission and provide feedback on your writing.

Complete details of the process for this will be provided when the assignment is released. Your submissions should be written in full sentences, except for longer passages of working in part B. While you are expected to use correct mathematics, the marking scheme will emphasise clarity of your arguments and written expression. Your submission must be typed (eg using MS Word or LaTeX) and converted to PDF for submission. Note the following points in the passage below. The equation is part of the sentence and has a full stop at the end. The variables are defined and are in the math itallc style typeset using an equation editor. The solutions to the quadratic equation a x 2 +bx+c=0 ax2+bx+c=0 in the variable x x , where a a , b b and c c are real constants, are x= −b± b 2 −4ac − − − − − − − √ 2a . x=−b±b2−4ac2a. Users of MS Word may find the following links useful to get started using the equation editor. Where is the equation editor? Write and equation or formula User of LaTeX should be aware that the university provides you with a professional overleaf account: https://www.overleaf.com/edu/unsw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpWxY-_Hlzw&list=PLHjOMouVJ7UUkpG7JdN3djkhR5FFpZpP2&index=2&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2s-nSg1jXOg&list=PLHjOMouVJ7UUkpG7JdN3djkhR5FFpZpP2&index=3&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tv2yIFTsMo&list=PLHjOMouVJ7UUkpG7JdN3djkhR5FFpZpP2&index=4&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ke58jxHxI0&list=PLHjOMouVJ7UUkpG7JdN3djkhR5FFpZpP2&index=5&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEWfWD6QiWU&list=PLHjOMouVJ7UUkpG7JdN3djkhR5FFpZpP2&index=6&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep2uzFAQMOM&feature=youtu.be

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A video review and some worked solutions to exam type questions.

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